Colorado Hybrid Initiative (CHI)



CDE Adult Education and Family Literacy, Center for At-Risk Education (CARE)

Welcome to your eclectic  learning community. We are a group of adult educators dedicated to finding variety in how to reach adult learners, ourselves included.

CHI was launched in Denver on May 22nd and 23rd, 2008, at the Distance Education Retreat, where Colorado educators met to apply and share technologies for delivering instruction in combinations tailored to their students. This site contains the resources and links brought to that Retreat.

The links to your left will guide you to our growing CHI resources. The CHI Blog invites your comments as you dialog with educators of like mind. The CHI Calendar is open to entries, especially if you are scheduling Elluminate sessions. The CHI Wiki contains a growing number of files that invite your entries as you apply technology among your learners. The CCCOnline Wiki is a fabulous resource with a growing number of links and Podcasts to help you and your students learn.

We have begun. You are now invited to contribute your resources through our blogs, wikis, and other links both as teachers and learners. Enjoy!

Colorado Adult Ed Home

© Four Corners Professional Development Resource Center, 2008
CDE Adult Education and Family Literacy, Center for At-Risk Education (CARE)


Retreat Guide - Word

Retreat Guide -PDF (Bookmarked)

CHI Calendar

CHI Blog

CHI Wiki