Web Task Rubric
Introduction to Myself in Power Point
Reading for/through Technology II (RTII)
Evaluate Yourself!

Instructions: Look at the items (words or topics) in the first column. They represent important steps in this project. 

CLICK NEXT TO THE STATEMENT THAT IS TRUE FOR YOU. YOU WILL SEE A CHECKMARK. If you change your mind, click it again, and the checkmark will disappear. 


-->>Remember --- It is smart to ask for help when you need it!

Write Your Name:




Good Job

Way to Go!

The Project

I didn't complete the project.

I had trouble with the instructions. I completed some of the steps. I need to get more help to complete it. I printed and saved some of my work.

I read the instructions and completed each step in the project. I need more practice before I can do it all on my own. I asked for help but I need more. I printed and saved my work.

I read the instructions and completed each step in the task project. I also experimented with other tools. I can now complete the project on my own. I asked for help when I needed it. I printed and saved all of my work.

Reading, writing, and math  activities. I didn't complete the assignment. I completed some of the activities but didn't do much more. I printed and saved some of my work. I completed the reading writing and math activities. I haven't  used the words or math skills I learned, yet. I printed and saved my work. I completed the reading, writing and math activities for the project with no difficulty. I practiced using the new vocabulary and math skills I learned, and applied it to new situations. I printed and saved my work.
© Unlimited Learning, Cortez, CO 2004
Permission granted to use our materials for educational purposed only, as long as credit is given to the source.