Word 2002
A Professional Letter
A Webtask for adult learners

If you are new to WORD, click on the arrows below to complete a title page and a table in WORD. When you finish, come back here and complete this task. 

Title Page 


Read over your rubrics (self-evaluation) for this task before you go on. Click on the arrow, and use the BACK button on your browser to return to this page.

WORD is a great program for you to practice writing. It will help you type and edit your work. Have fun!

In this Webtask, you will open a letter template (form). You will write a letter to a company asking to be considered for a job.

Activity 1- Open and save a template

Open WORD. [Remember that you can go between two programs on a PC using the ALT + Tab keys.]

Open a NEW document - FILE ->New. A panel will open to give you some choices.

wordlpanel.jpg (18943 bytes)

Click on GENERAL TEMPLATE. A new panel will appear. It will have TABS at the top. Click on the Letters & Faxes tab.

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SAVE YOUR WORK as "yourinitialsproletter.doc." For example, if Bob Barley were saving his work, he would save it as "bbproletter.doc." As for help if you need it. Save your work on your desktop or folder, if you have one.

Activity 2 - Insert company information

When do you want to send a professional letter? If you are sending your resume to a business, you definitely want to send a professional letter. Let's assume you are applying for a job. You are sending your resume to a business. That resume should have your letter introducing yourself and your resume.

Step 1: Click in the box that says "Company Name Here." Type "Bob Barley" in the box unless you have a business name yourself. If you need to, select the old text and delete it. 

Step 2: Click in the "address" box next to your name. Write ...

6789 Number Street
Cortez, CO 8i321

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Step 3: The date should be automatically inserted for you. If not, type in the date. Next type the name of the person you are writing. Write that person's job title, the name of the company and the address. See text below...

Mr. Jeff Jefferson
Nelson Construction
730 East Alamo Street
Job City, CO 88888

Step 4: After "Dear..." write Mr. Jefferson: Dear Mr. Jefferson:

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Activity 3: Write the letter.

Step 1: Select the text in the paragraph that follows and delete it. Write...

Attached is my resume. I am responding to your job announcement for a carpenter. I have been a carpenter for four years, but I’ve been building things since I was five. I hope you will consider me for the job you have open. I can give you references to support the quality of my work. I look forward to hearing from you soon.

Please let me know if I can provide any additional information.

Step 2: Click in the brackets below "Sincerely." Type...

Bob Barley

Step 3: If you have a title and work for a company, insert that information below your name. SAVE YOUR WORK!

Click on the arrow to open the model letter for this task.


Activity 3: Write the letter


Complete the Rubrics, print and date the Rubrics page, and place it in your folder.

Congratulations! You have completed your task!

Funded by the Colorado Department of Education through the Cortez Adult Education Program. All rights reserved.
©Unlimited Learning, 2004

Leecy Wise, author