Saturday Shock
Part II, Comprehension and Reflection

by Leecy Wise

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 “Happy birthday, to you, happy birthday to you!!! His wife and children were grinning from ear to ear. They let the dog loose. The little terrier jumped into Carlos’ arms.

Sitting in the middle of the kitchen table was a box. The gift wrap was bright red. It had a silver bow on its top. They all looked at it and held their breaths.

Carlos walked to the box and slowly opened it. Inside were the keys to a dirt bike. The bike wasn’t new, but it was his! Everyone had chipped in to buy it.

Carlos was speechless. Soon his friends and other relatives began to drop by. They stood on the sidewalk, smiling, whistling and screaming.

Carlos could not hear them. He could not think, or talk, or even eat. But he could drive. They watched him round the corner. The sound of the motor was sweet music. He had all day to hear it.

  1. How do you think Carlos felt when he walked in the kitchen?
  2. Why did they hold their breaths?
  3. Why was Carlos speechless?
  4. What was everyone doing on the sidewalk?
  5. Why couldn’t Carlos hear them screaming?
  6. How does the story end?
  7. Why is the story called "Saturday Shock?"


  1. How do you feel about surprises? Talk about good and bad surprises and your experience with them.
  2. If someone were to give you a great surprise, what would it be?
  3. How does nature surprise us? Have you ever been in an earthquake, fire, or other major natural event?
  4. What was your reaction to the events of September 11, 2001 (bombing of the Twin Towers)?
  5. How do you feel when something happens in your life that you can't control?
  6. What makes you feel better when something fearful happens out of your control?


Complete the sentences below:

  1. Surprises make me feel .........................................................
  2. I wish someone would surprise me by ...................................
  3. I .......................................... when things are out of my control.
  4. When I'm afraid, I usually ......................................................... 


Part I | Part I Comprehension | Part II | Part II Comprehension and Reflection

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