by Ettie Arnold
for intermediate ESL immigrant students
Is immigration challenging? Feeling alone? Not sure how to fit in to your new society? Do you want to make a difference?
You can change the way you feel… Become a historian! There have been many people that moved to Colorado. They too faced many challenges and made a life for themselves. However, these people became famous Coloradoans! They had hopes and dreams just like you and I. By making those dreams a reality, they were able to give back to their communities and shaped Colorado as we know it today. |
Task |
Your task will be to find specific information about one famous Coloradoan. Compare their lives, and accomplishments to what your hopes and dreams are. You will pick one way, big or small, that you can make a difference and become involved in your local community. You will be using the Colorado Historical Society website for your research. The information you find will be compared on a power point presentation. |
Process |
Resources |
Evaluation Rubric |
Conclusion |
By completing this project you have accomplished many learning concepts. You practiced reading English and looked for the main idea, and pulled specific information out of the context. You practiced comparing and contrasting information. You gained computer skills; using websites and creating a power point presentation. You practiced writing skills by filling out the worksheet. Having filled out the power point information you not only received practice typing, but put sentences in the correct structure and tense. You gained personal insight into your hopes and dreams. You became an active community member impacting the community in which you live. |
Teacher Notes |
Additional Comments
Teachers: this lesson came from a 3rd and 4th grade Colorado history lesson. The students did complete the front part of the worksheet. Students took the information and created a small paragraph. They learned and memorized the information about their famous person. We didn’t create a power point. Instead, we used one poster board per student. I cut holes (had an aide do it) out for a head and arms. In class students drew their famous Coloradoan’s body with accurate clothing to the era and person. We held “A Night at the History Wax Museum.” We asked parents to bring in one dollar worth of quarters. We cut ‘money slots’ in the top corner of their poster and stapled a Dixie cup to the back. Students remained ‘asleep’ as wax figures until a parent put in a quarter. At which point they woke up, gave their mini speech of who they were and then went back to sleep. We raised enough money to have a fun ice cream party that week in class to celebrate our hard work. The parents absolutely love the night at the wax museum and it engages the families. |