June 2007, Volume 7, Issue 5

Your State Resource Site (If you haven't visited it , grab your java or juice, and browse through your resources at http://www.cde.state.co.us/cdeadult/resources.htm.)
by Debra Fawcett

Recent statistics for the Adult Education and Family Literacy Web site show that the "Resources" Web page was the 3rd most requested page on our Web site (in first place was the GED Index page, and 2nd place was the Directory of GED Testing Centers by City).  Rather sadly in need of a face lift but containing much good content, "Resources" is a compilation of--what else?--resources of interest to Adult Educators. 

Currently listed topics are: Assessment, Corrections, EL/Civics, ESL, ESL Bridge to Academics, Goal Setting, Health, History, LD, Math, Money, Newspapers/Current Events, Parents/Children, Post Secondary Transition,
Professional Development, Reading, Retention, Technology, Work, Workplace/Workforce, and Writing.

Resource Bank is a Web site containing links to resources for each of the 110 skill-and-knowledge descriptors of the Professional Development< Self-Assessment.  Resources for each descriptor are organized by the four strands: Self-Study, Collaboration with Colleagues, Workshops/Trainings/Conferences, and Courses for Credit. http://www.cde.state.co.us/cdeadult/PDResourceBankIndex.htm.

If you are looking for resources and publications that are by, for, and/or about adult education and related topics in Colorado, visit Focus on Colorado Publications at : http://www.cde.state.co.us/cdeadult/documentLIB.htm

Also check out http://www.cde.state.co.us/cdeadult/adultSLRCindexnew.htm.

Featured Sites

http://www.edhelper.com/ - Yes, it's K-12, and I've recommended it before. I just got this link on that site, with loads of spatial math activities. http://www.edhelper.com/Equation_Unknowns.htm. Love it. Use the idea with any age group. Substitute the shapes with other items of interest to students. I subscribed to the "everything" access, but there are many things that are free. This link appear to be.

  • edHelper basic subscription - US$19.99 per year
    edHelper everything subscription - US$39.98 per year

http://www.cdlponline.org/ - Stories, stories, and stories and more stories. The home page gives you a great menu from which to choose: housing, working, family, school, health and safety, money, and more. Each link will take you to a long list of stories, with sound and activities for adults. The best part? They are written and about the 6th grade reading level if not under.

http://www.medtropolis.com/VBody.asp - I don't think I have mentioned this site before. What a kick. Zoom in on different body parts using English or Spanish.

http://www.thirteen.org/edonline/adulted/lessons.html - This is a good browse with lots of fun ideas and animations. Can you believe it? It's for adults! Well, for the most part.. Get your Flash downloaded and enjoy.

http://www.thinkfinity.org/teacher/interactive_content_index.aspx - I found several of these engaging. Click on the Essay Map, or Shape Poems, and more. I don't know how to play NIM, but I'll have a student teach me from http://illuminations.nctm.org/ActivityDetail.aspx?ID=140 . Hundreds of interactive activities for all ages and abilities, including super basic ESL.

More to come in the next issue!

Hybrid Instruction for Your Professional Health

In the last issue, you read about the hybrid learning opportunities that are now being offered to you, free of charge! You are invited to participate in ongoing sessions, tailored to you, in response to the Self-Assessment Survey which you completed a few months ago. We will use GoToMeeting software and phone connectivity, which allows you to see my computer, and I yours, and to dialogue about issues. Each session will also have  an online segment to give you a chance to interact with the materials before we "meet."

Each session, or topic, will require about 3 hours of participation: 2 hours online and 1 hour on phone/computer interaction.


You or your program will be charged the cost of the long distance call by your carrier. If you have several people, you might consider a phone pod to minimize cost. If you are really, really strapped for money, I'll send your program a phone credit card number that you may use for the call. Alternatively, take a few minutes to sign up for one of the many Internet phone services available. Many are free! The reception is super clear and effective. (See next topic.)

The entire course includes six of the topics you requested: Major Philosophies of Adult Ed
Learning Styles and Strategies, Youth in Adult Ed, Web Sites and Software for Adult Learners,
Using technology with Adult Learners, and Study Skills.

The entire course will require 18 hours of participation, but you may select individual topics instead of the whole series. You will be awarded PD points as follows:

  • 5 or 6 of topics, 15 points
  • 3 or 4 topics, 10 points
  • 1 or 2 topics,  5 points

If anyone wants or needs graduate credit, I will work with Adams State to award 1 graduate credit hour for course completion.

Click on the link to read the course syllabus. SYLLABUS

To participate, copy and paste the topics below into an email to me (leecy@coloradoadulted.org), and check those sessions you want to attend. Add comments as you wish. When we have five participants for any topic, I will send you information on how to enter our online classroom to start the class.


  1. Major Philosophies of Adult Ed - June 18-24
  2. Learning Styles and Strategies - June 25 - July 1
  3. Youth in Adult Ed - July 2-8
  4. Web Sites and Software for Adult Learners - July 9-15
  5. Using technology with Adult Learners - July 16 - 23
  6. Study Skills - July 23-30

These sessions will continue to be offered throughout the remaining year and next, depending on your interest and participation.

We will rely heavily on the resources listed in this month's featured site, http://www.cde.state.co.us/cdeadult/resources.htm.

Internet Phone Service

Internet calls have come a long way and is only getting better. Want to make a free call to anyone, anywhere in the world? Dial her phone from your computer and start talking. AOL gives it to you free if you call others on the list.

Skype is a super deal. For $29.95 per year, you get unlimited calls in the US. You will pay as low as 2.1 cents a minute anywhere in the world. I've tried it and the quality equals a regular call. For Skype, go to http://www.skype.com/products/skypeout/ and skypeout!

Additional Teaching Resource

Click on the link below to open the next ebook in our series: Government. You may run the program, or select the "save" option to load it onto your computer. Enjoy! (NOTE: The program may open behind this screen.)

Send me your ideas for future issues!

CONTACT ME: leecy@swadulted.com