ABE Resources


Following are sites that offer a variety of activities to help adult learners become more  independent in their growth. Nothing substitutes for the one-to-one experience or the warmth of a supportive group, but a lot of learning can happen individually for those who are guided to do it.


Western Pacific LINCS is an online service for adult educators and students. Check out the great resources at http://literacynet.org/

http://www.ed.gov/offices/OVAE/AdultEd/adultbe.html - Offers links to programs with best practices, exemplary state programs, research and evaluation, and additional links.

http://www-tcall.tamu.edu/bibs/adultlrn.htm - Review the principles of adult learning by ordering some of their loan materials.

http://tip.psychology.org/theories.html - Here is THE list on theories on adult education. Lots and lots of them. Conclusion? Choose what works with your students. 

http://linktoliteracy.com/students.html - You must have asked for it, and there it is- an easily-accessible frame for looking into great resources for adult students.


http://linktoliteracy.com/students.html - Excellent source of activities for Math, Writing, GED, External Diploma, and a Teacher's Section with additional links.

http://www.learndirect-advice.co.uk/ - Wow! This is a database with thousands of courses available to adult learners. Type in Math, for example, and you'll find a free course from Kentucky.

http://www.research.umbc.edu/~ira/Interweb.html - Lots of links to interactive instruction for adult learners.

http://www.nald.ca/index.htm - Canada's Adult Literacy Network. Click on "Story of the Week" and find archives of stories written at reasonable levels. Finally, another source for stories!

http://slincs.coe.utk.edu/gtelab/find.html#caps - Lesson plans with activities for adult learners

http://members.aol.com/skillsworkshop/useful.htm - Some useful links for basic-skills tutors. Most are from the U.K.

http://www.uliveandlearn.com/index.cfm - Just a good place to go to learn stuff. Written for high-intermediate readers for the most part.

http://www.nsn.org/wkkhome/adult/ALC5.html - Links to cool sites for adult learners.

http://www.workers.gov/child1.asp?IntCategoryId=2&IntSubCategoryId=68 - Basic lessons to acquire computer skills and build a website-- Workers.gov is just a really great resource!