Colordado Hybrid Initiative (CHI) DE
had a vision of putting together a
retreat for instructors who wanted
to start implementing distance
education and using Web tools among
adult students in Colorado. That was
music to my ears, or my cup of tea,
so to speak. We sipped on the idea
and offered the Distance Education
Retreat in Lakewood's QWest Learning
and Technology Center, on May 22nd
and 23rd.
of the event have been very positive,
despite the fact that such an event
had never been offered before, that
the timing was difficult (end
of school year and Memorial Day
weekend), and that we had to squeeze
an ocean of resources into a small
stream of time. Never mind. Our
purpose was to expose programs to
what was out there and to give each
person experience in using, if not
learning, the tools now available
for learning on the Web. That was
mightily accomplished, and we
learned valuable lessons that we
hope to apply during future events,
when time and timing can support
rather than challenge us.
Doug's fox was very foxy in Second
and we all took turns laughing or
sighing, depending on how the
technology and instructions worked.
If you want ideas on how to
implement inexpensive, if not free,
instruction using Web 2.0 tools, you
may contact the people and programs
that have taken the skills back to
their learners:
Cares |
Native American
Multi-Cultural Education
Center (NAMES) |
Ann Miller |
Cortez Adult Education Program and Unlimited Learning Center |
Cherry Ellis |
Colorado Mountain College, Glenwood Springs |
David Prinaris |
Fort Collins -Education and Life Training Center |
Debbie Doe |
Lamar Community College |
Jode Brexa |
Boulder Valley Family Literacy Program
Karen Karr |
Boulder Valley Family Literacy Program
Kathy Ellithorpe |
Byron Spring Delta Center |
Kenia Campbell |
Jeffco Family Literacy |
Mark Wardell |
County Education Center |
Paulette Church |
Durango Adult Education Program |
Scott Baker |
Ignacio Adult Education Program |
Sheila Gentry |
Boulder Valley Family Literacy Program
Susan Dorle |
Adult and Family Education - Colorado Springs |
Susan Visser |
Ignacio Adult Education Program |
Tatyana Stock |
Lamar Community College |
Tom Dietvorst |
Metropolitan State College of
Denver-Family Literacy :Toyota |
Virgil Caldwell |
College of Eastern Utah !!! |
Participants experienced a number of
applications, services, and
technologies: Elluminate, QArbon,
Skype, video instruction, movie
clips, You Tube, Second Life,
images, sound clips, blogs, wikis,
and more. Selected programs received
a camcorder, headsets and Webcams,
along with Elluminate and QArbon
licenses to expand the way students
access learning. Thanks, one and all,
for your participation in all of the
sessions and for modeling
collaborative learning at its best!
Many, many thanks to
trainers Dr. Alice Bedard-Voorhees
from Colorado Mountain College, Susan Spengler
from the Harrison Adult and
Family Education program in Colorado
the online professionals that
provided hands-on training in
specific applications. Thanks also
to Lisa Marie Johnson, CCCOnline,
who provided insight and resources
in preparing for the event. Thanks
to Pam Smith, as well, for joining
us at lunch and for supporting the
vision of the Colorado Hybrid
Initiative with funds and presence.
And thank you, Doug. You've
left a legacy!
The following growing resources are
now available to you throughout the
state at the following sites. If you
teach adults in any agency or
organization, please visit these,
contribute to them, and enjoy the
dialog! Let's start talking. We all
have the same goal: to help Colorado
adults become better prepared to
meet their educational,
occupational, and personal
What is Chi?
In traditional
Chinese culture,
[here written and pronounced Chi]
is an active
principle forming
part of any living
thing. It is
translated as
"energy flow", and
is often compared to
Western notions of
energeia or
élan vital (vitalism).
The literal translation is "air" or
"breath"(compare the original
meaning of Latin
(Taken from Wikipedia)
breath of fresh, invigorating air, a
creative principle, is, indeed, what
the Colorado Hybrid Initiative (CHI)
hopes to represent!
New Resource
Thanks again to our featured
celebrity, we have links to a most
intriguing free resource from BBC.
Yes, the accent is there, but it is
English. Your students will get used
to it. The levels vary, so you will
need to explore a bit to send your
students to the right place.
The first link is a most basic intro
to the computer. You will need to
get the student to the site and open
the tutorial. From then on, the
student will be able to follow
easily, learning to use the keyboard
and mouse to follow instructions.
The programs take time to load, but
it's worth the wait if the student
is ready.
The second link, Teaching
Inspirations, has a variety of
resources around words and numbers,
introduced by, "Looking for
inspiration for this week's class?
Look no further - you can find
dozens of ideas to base classes on
right here. Or if you have an
inspired idea you would like to add
to this site, tell us about it."
The third and last link reveals a
number of student stories that have
been edited. Your students are
invited to contribute stories. Do
you remember that we all like
recognition? That's one reason why
blogs are so effective. Here's
another way of giving students
recognition - publish their stories
for the world to read!
Thanks, Doug!
the last issue, we discussed the
benefits of gaming, especially among the
new generations of learners. Here's a
site that I've enjoyed. My 5-year old
grandson is a jigsaw puzzle freak, and
he loves putting online pieces together.
But these games are not just for kids. Try a
few and get your adult students online.
Maybe they'll get their kids online,
too, if not vice-versa! What better way
to teach critical thinking, spatial
discrimination, strength recognition and
other important life skills? Go to and enjoy!
If you
like gaming, check out this blog,
Mission to Learn, by Jeff Cobb. He says,
"I write this blog for people who want
to be more successful in finding and
benefiting from online learning
experiences. I also write for those
seeking to create and distribute
compelling online learning
experiences–and perhaps make or raise
money with them." His blog has
great game links at
Learning Games to Change the World)
Question from the Field
Are there
any good resources to learn medical
terminology? There are so many words!
(Patty Thomas, Cortez)
How about
a game? Go to
and play while you learn! In fact, learn
all kinds of vocabulary at